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Exploring Solar Modules: Types and Their Unique Features

May 22nd , 2024

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular, and it has a promising future due to the numerous benefits of solar modules. These panels capture sunlight to produce electricity, making them an eco-friendly option for various uses. As technology improves, solar panels will be an essential part of a greener future. To know everything about solar modules in-depth, continue reading the blog till the end.

What are solar modules?

Solar light is converted into electrical power via a solar module, also known as a solar panel. It is constructed of silicon and additional components that, when exposed to photons from the sun, allow solar cells to transform them into electrical energy. At Contendre, we provide a range of solar modules, each with unique characteristics and uses.


P - Series Solar Modules

Polycrystalline solar modules comprise several silicon crystals in a single PV cell, and Polycrystalline PV panels account for 50% of global module output. Made up of numerous solar cells, each with silicon crystals that serve as a semiconductor device. As photons from sunlight land on the PN junction, they add energy to the electrons, causing them to flow as electric current these Polycrystalline solar modules are a popular choice in residential locations, particularly for rooftops, and have a simple structural frame for quick installation, and are suitable for rooftop applications.

  1. Polycrystalline Module series
  2. Available in 60 & 72 Cell variants
  3. 260W – 335W Modules
  4. Also available in smaller variants of 30W-250W
  5. 1500v system voltage for longer string lengths
  6. PID & Salt mist corrosion Resistant
  7. IEC & BIS Compliant Modules

M - Series Solar Modules

After sunlight contacts the mono-crystalline solar modules, the cells absorb the energy and generate an electric field via a complex process. As a result, it consists of voltage and current, which are utilized directly to power DC. They can be applied to both business and residential settings. They work well for illuminating streets, gardens, and other areas. The advantages of mono-crystalline modules are their high efficiency, increased heat resistance, improved performance in low-light conditions, and suitability for overcast environments.

  1. Polycrystalline Module series
  2. Available in 60 & 72 Cell variants
  3. 260W – 335W Modules
  4. Also available in smaller variants of 30W-250W
  5. 1500v system voltage for longer string lengths
  6. PID & Salt mist corrosion Resistant
  7. IEC & BIS Compliant Modules

X - Series Solar Modules

The X Series Modules are more efficient and generate more power in smaller spaces with fewer panels. X Series Modules provide multiple benefits, including higher voltage, superior aesthetics, high efficiency, and increased power and energy.

  1. Bifacial, Twin Peak, High Voltage Modules
  2. Highest Efficiency
  3. Higher Outputs
  4. Maximized Savings
  5. IEC Compliant

Related guide: The Top Benefits of Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings.

G - Series Solar Modules

The G series Modules use Glass-glass designs, which use a glass layer on the back of modules instead of standard polymer back sheets. The combined strength of two sheets of glass makes the solar panel less likely to bend or develop microcracks in the cells. G series modules provide not only a longer service life but also a higher electricity-generating capability than standard panels. These panels offer a continuous and stable supply of free, green electricity for several decades.

  1. Standard Variants of 40, 60 & amp; 72 Cells
  2. Customized BIPV Solutions
  3. Lower Degradation Rates
  4. Better Lifespan than Standard Modules
  5. IEC Compliant

Why Choose Contendre Solar Modules?

Choosing Contendre Solar Modules means investing in quality and performance. Contendre offers a range of solar modules, solar kits, and inverters from different series to fulfill diverse energy requirements. Our products are known for their efficiency, reliability, and affordability, making them a good choice for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.



Solar modules play a crucial role in capturing and converting solar radiation into electrical energy. Solar modules come in various series, each with unique benefits like longevity, high performance, and efficiency. Contendre Solar Modules provides excellent choices to satisfy your requirements. Everyone may profit from clean, renewable energy thanks to solar modules, regardless of whether they wish to reduce their household energy consumption or whether their company is seeking sustainable practices. Discover the benefits of solar modules by exploring their world!

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